The Cal Poly Humboldt Teachers College Period

Founders Hall facade photo

The instruments in this part of the collection were obtained by Cal Poly Humboldt Teachers College (now Cal Poly Humboldt) between 1921 when it was changed from a normal school to a state teachers college, and around 1935 when it was renamed Cal Poly Humboldt College. These instruments were used in teaching Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and related sciences at a time when Humboldt served mostly for the preparation of school teachers for the north coast region of California. Though Humboldt opened for instruction beginning in 1914, it would appear that science classes using scientific apparatus were not taught until around 1925. This is obvious both from the dates of manufacture of the earliest instruments (1923) and the catalogs of the college: prior to 1925 the catalog lists courses taught at Berkeley, while the first obvious Humboldt course descriptions occur in the 1925 catalog.

A variety of information is provided regarding science at Humboldt and the equipment used at the college for teaching science: